Starting Tuesday September 3rd, we invite you to join our 30-day Ground Control Challenge to help you return to proper infant movement patterns through functional meditation. Your brain will return to using the appropriate deep stabilizer muscles automatically, in all of your normal daily movements and physical activities, thereby reducing pain and chances of future injury.
Tue - Thu @ 7:00am
Mon - Wed @ 12pm
Wed - Fri @ 7:00pm
Tempted? Have a look at all the prizes you could win!

We don't say this enough, but we LOVE that you keep coming back to Ground Control class! The best way to re-program your brain to pre-injury state (or to help keep injuries at bay) is with our monthly class pack:
$90 +GST for a 1-month pass
$18 (per drop-in)
Ready to take the challenge? Sign up here!
* Challenge will run from September 3rd to October 11th 2019 (we're not including weekends). Limited to Chiropractor Dr.Katie Gaskin , Acupuncturist Dr.Dwain Dougan and Physiotherapist Chris Krammer